

Safer Homes Booklet

Download the Safer Homes Booklet

This booklet may be helpful if a partner, ex-partner, family, whanau member or someone else close to you is controlling, threatening, hurting or harming you.

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Download the Entrapment Model

The concept of family violence as a form of entrapment with three layers originated from Ptacek, J., Battered Women in the Courtroom: The Power of Judicial Responses, Northeastern University Press, Boston, 1999.
Copyright © Shine 2022

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Download the DVFREE Workplace Guidelines for Free

Ensure your workplace is safe and supportive for employees experiencing domestic violence by following the recommendations in our guidelines. 

Shine Reports and Articles

Responding to domestic violence within the workplace: reflections and recommendations from the DVFREE workplace initiative in Aotearoa New Zealand
They didn't see it. They were sleeping: the voices of children who live with family violence as heard by KIDshine
Domestic violence: the impact on business
Safe@home evaluation
Arrested female offenders in Auckland city
Monitoring report for the Auckland Family Violence Court
Stop Fighting: a report into 30 families seen by the Child Crisis Team
Domestic violence in Auckland City