Technology and domestic violence

Aug 2, 2020 | In the Media, News

As part of Techweek NZ  2020, panellists including Shine’s own Kara-dee Morden discussed the role of technology in domestic abuse and how technology organisations can design and develop safer digital environments.

View the panel discussion on Play Stuff: Empower through design: how technology and design can combat domestic violence (30 mins)

Shine’s Holly Carrington also spoke to the Herald about technology-facilitated abuse: The dark side of smart technology: Enabling domestic abuse, NZ Herald, 29 July 2020

In the above media, IBM’s Lesley Nuttall outlines specific principles to employ in designing technology to make it resistant to being used as a tool for abuse. If you or someone you know is experiencing technology-facilitated abuse and you are seeking support, please read on:

If you’re a victim of this type of abuse it’s important to know:

  • It is not your fault. No one deserves to have their life restricted and choices taken away from them to keep someone else from abusing them.
  • You don’t have to go through this alone. Trust your instincts and seek help. For more information see safe use of technology and/or phone 0508 744 633 for advice.

If you’re seeking for ways to support someone else, remember:

  • Understand that people experiencing abuse will be doing things to keep themselves safe. Respect their experience.
  • Listen, don’t give advice before hearing their experience; don’t blame the victim.
  • Keep checking in; the situation will not change overnight.
  • Seek advice from Netsafe and Shine. See safe use of technology.
  • If the issues are at work, consider looking into how to make your workplace a safer environment. Visit the DVFREE website for more information.

Technology can also be used as a tool to keep you safe and sane:

  • Connect with safe people for support
  • Look up information and develop safety plans
  • Collect evidence of abuse.

If you’re unsure of what to do or who to turn to, please call Shine’s helpline 0508 744 633 (open daily, 9am-11pm).