
Shine media statement

12 February 2024

From Dr Bonnie Robinson MNZM CEO Presbyterian Support Northern which provides Shine family violence response service, Family Works social service and Lifeline helplines.



Concern over police plans for a managed withdrawal from family harm callouts

Presbyterian Support Northern which provides the Shine family violence response service, Family Works social service and Lifeline helplines, has joined Women’s Refuge in expressing concern about Police plans for a managed withdrawal from family harm callouts. This announcement comes at a time when calls to Shine’s 24/7 helpline have doubled in recent months.

PSN CEO Dr Bonnie Robinson MNZM says people experiencing family violence call the Police because there is violence or the threat of violence and they are in danger.

“Police are the only agency that has the authority to arrest and detain someone or de-escalate the situation and so potentially, they help protect children at the address as well.

“Family violence is a huge issue for New Zealand and it’s important that we as a society address it effectively.

“It’s difficult to see how the role of the Police could be filled by others as the Police suggest. Family violence happens 24/7 all year round. We can’t think of any other service that can fill that Police function without substantial investment and training. Let’s not forget, some women lose their lives to family violence every year. By being on the scene, Police are best placed to react, especially if they know how long the situation has been going on for or past history of the address.”


About Shine:

Shine provides a full range of effective, practical and innovative services to help stop family violence in New Zealand including emergency accommodation for women and children escaping family violence. Shine also provides a free group programme for men as well as individual programmes for men, women and non-binary adults who use violence. We motivate and support people to change their behaviour so they can have respectful, non-violent relationships.


For further information, contact:

Chrissy Hamilton - PSN External Communications Adviser

Phone: 021 734 382

Email: chrissy.hamilton@psn.org.nz

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